The Scary House
Cerita seram ini sepertinya tidak terlalu seram. namun saya mengarangnya dengan menggunakan nama tokoh asli.

One Night, Ali stayed Alone at home, this night is very silently. Behind his home there is an old house like castle from middle age and empty it look scary. No one brave to stay in there because there house have a scary history in long time ago.
Ali just knew little history about their house In long time ago, the owner of there house is sir Reyleigh rockfeller, him doughter, Victoria killed by group of murder when she stayed alone at home, it’s most tragic tale of one young girl, she killed and her body cut to several part. Often some people saw a girl without a head around there house.
When Ali want to sleep he hear some interest voice from outside behind him house, he look a girl sang a song, he is very scared and close him eyes and tried to sleep, but he can’t do it. He tried some method to sleep like calculate the sheeps and used sleep medichine to chased the voice. Bu this method didn’t work.
Finally, he can’t found some method else, so he just close the eyes and prayed to God in heart, and he over the scary night without sleep because the Old House behind the house.
Next day, Ali accept a massage from his mother. His parent can’t back home tonight. Ali don’t want to tell any think about the scary house and Ali must stay home alone again. This day Ali want to be a brave man, but he still scared and heard some voice from behind like he heard yesterday.
So, He used headset and heard rock song to chased away sound from behind the house. He can’t slept with rock song, so he changed rock to classic song, he choice Symphony 13 from Ludwig Van Beethoven. Suddenly he also heard some voice like Piano from the house but he tried to ignored it.
Finally he can slept at 3 AM with classic music, he left the last day without parents.
At the morning he met sheriff and he tell about voice from the scary house, sheriff checked the house but he can’t fount anything’s wrong, but the sheriff felt cold when he entered the scary house. The sheriff talked about Rockfeller family to Ali, he said Mr. and Mrs. Rockfeller die before Victoria killed by murder. Mr. Rockfeller lost in Papua in journey to around the world and Mrs. Rockfeller also killed by mysterious murder at London. This history made Ali scared again but he didn’t worried about it because him parent will back home tonight.
Finally him parent back and Ali is very happy. He didn’t tell about the house to parent because he want to forget anything about their house. But when he back to him room he found an old cassette, he can’t played the cassette, so he played it at the museum. He surprised because he heard voice like he heart from the scary house at the cassette. He scared again and gave an old cassette to the museum.
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