Friday, 17 December 2010

Discussion Text

Pada posingan kali ini saya akan memuat Discussion text yang saya tulis.
Semoga tulisan saya bisa menjadi refrensi untuk anda membuat discussion text yang lebih baik.Mungkin masih ada banyak kesalahan grammar yang terdapat disini(Maklum masih belajar).

Speciality Of Yogyakarta : Pro and Contra

Now day, issue about Speciality of Yogyakarta made any concession. people in Jogya still agree with the old rule of Speciality of Yogya, but some people want to change it. So, the debate of this issue has not come to an end.

Many people especially in Yogya still agree and support old rule of Speciality of Jogya. They believe this rule can United the Yogyakarta people.
The sultanate of Yogya exist since 17 th century, after proclamation of Independent. The Speciality of Yogya give to the leader (Sultan)as governor and Paku Alam as Vice Governor. The people in Yogya always support it and Yogya can United under this aristocrat until now. It also be an identity and unvalueable culture heritage. Then, Yogya also called the city of student and have a peaceful society.
However, some people disagree with this old rule because of many reason and bad implication at the future. This rule give the power to sultan to be a leader of Yogya until die. So, some people looked it not democratic and not integrated with our constitution UUD 1945. The believe it can made a dictator leader where aristocrat have more power than government.
So far, the Speciality of Yogyakarta still exist because have many support from the Yogya’s people and can united them. But, some people disagree with this rule because of many reason and implication like dictator leader.


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